Why Our Church
Home in The Lord
Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura. By Grace alone, by Faith alone, by Scripture alone. In short, In Christ Alone. For it is by His word, His work and sacrifice, and the faith He works in us that brings us home in The Lord.
The Lord is my shepherd
We look to The Lord, we lean on His wisdom, and His Word.

Pastor Roger Neumann

Pastor Roger Neumann is originally from Wausaw, Wisconsin, which explains why he is an avid Green Bay Packers and Wisconsin Badgers fan. He and his wife Rose Marie, have two grown sons, David and Tim.
The WELS began in 1850 when three German pastors met in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Today, it has grown to over 1,200 congregations in North America. It has over 400,000 baptized members, which includes over 300,000 communicant members, served by over 1,000 pastors in all
50 of the United States. More on WELS History, including our synod’s historical timeline.