But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! Acts 4:25
It’s easy to answer that question, isn’t it? But is it? Seems as though there are many who are making the wrong choice. Yes, there are many people who think it’s the right answer to listen to their hearts, or to popular opinion or what’s trending at the moment. But for those of us who believe, the answer to that question is obvious. We listen first to our Lord because only he has the words of eternal life. Also, we can’t serve two masters. Therefore we have to decide which voice to follow. Ask yourselves, “which voice, which master, will be most beneficial for you, for all eternity?” It’s also an easy choice because our Lord has a track record of always being right, and for being the most beneficial to those who listen to him.
Prayer: There are many voices that vie for our attention. Your Word, Lord, is truth and the only guide of lasting value for my life. AMEN